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Hey guys, I was wondering, I am constantly adding songs to my music library, but I like doing it on the PC since I am a little OCD about the file details and the way the name is formatted and stuff like that, and different web stores for mp3's will do things differently. So every time I download a song I put it through tag and rename to get everything the way I like it before I add it to my collection. So that's why I can't just buy the songs with my phone and just download it that way (I TECHNICALLY can, just don't want to for the reasons I've stated). So here's my question, is there a way, like maybe through Box or something, where I can have a folder on my PC where after I'm done setting up the songs to how I like them, I can just drag and drop them into it and it'll automatically send it to my phone OTA? Right now what I'm doing is putting all of my finished mp3's into a folder, and whenever I do a regular backup of my phone or whatever, I'll also drag those songs into the sd card on my phone while it's connected to my PC. You actually answered your own question.
Folder Transfer 4.2 Serial Numbers. Convert Folder Transfer 4.2 trail version to full software.
I prefer to use Sugarsync, it puts a folder called the Magic Briefcase on your desktop. Through the PC application you can tell it to automatically sync across all devices you have the app installed on.
Dropbox and Box will also do the same thing.Yep, I kind of did, I just noticed Box has a desktop app. I kind of prefer Box over Dropbox just because Box in the past has given BB exclusive promotions like 50gb free with a playbook.
I'll give sugarsync a look too in case that gives more options. Suse linux enterprise server 11 crack. Thanks man.:-) Posted without the aid of AutoCorrect with my physical keyboard via CB10. You are aware that BlackBerry connects to pc through wifi, right?
Go to storage and access and turn on wifi access, then open up windows file explorer and type network name (the name you see under storage and access, says the device will appear on a network as, it's set to blackberry-0000 (the last 4 of your pin) by default, but can be changed if desired. The first time you connect via wifi, it will ask for a username and password, it's blackberry and whatever password you choose when turning on wifi access. Then all you have to do is drag and drop. Posted from my Q10 running via CB10. You are aware that BlackBerry connects to pc through wifi, right? Go to storage and access and turn on wifi access, then open up windows file explorer and type network name (the name you see under storage and access, says the device will appear on a network as, it's set to blackberry-0000 (the last 4 of your pin) by default, but can be changed if desired. The first time you connect via wifi, it will ask for a username and password, it's blackberry and whatever password you choose when turning on wifi access.
Then all you have to do is drag and drop. Dry cracked skin on feet. Posted from my Q10 running via CB10Lol, of course, but I don't want to keep wifi on and the ota way doesn't require any action by me.
Call it lazy, I call it. Um, lazy, lol. Posted without the aid of AutoCorrect with my physical keyboard via CB10.
I always keep wifi on when I'm at home, and wouldn't use anything besides my home computer (don't work in an office), to manage my phone. As far as I can tell, wifi has a miniscule drain on battery if any. In fact, I think it improves battery life because wifi is faster than mobile data. Even if I could sync ota, I'd use wifi anyway because it would be faster. I do have unlimited data with sprint, but I use wifi whenever possible.