Dry Cracked Skin On Foreskin
I have had it before and I have it again:(. It sucks because my wife a bit of a nympho and we have to go for days without sex. Mine seams to have come back after using a soap from ireland:roll:.hint. Last time I used a product called Gentian Violet. I learned about it when my infant daughter had thrush in her mouth, we had to paint this liquid in her mouth. The liquid can be purchased without a prescpription, but you still have to ask the Pharmacist for it as it is kept behind the counter. It's main use is antifungal, and what you have is probably Balanitis, a fungal problem.
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Careful using the product though as it stains everything purple. Use a pair of underwear you don't want anymore cause it will stain them purple. Like iodine the stain on your skin will go away in a few days but as for fabric or anything else it touches, can't say the same. Good luck.:D. Ive had this problem for over a year now. It was caused initially from using an artificial vagina that apparently i didnt wash well enough. It started as a yeast infection also (i was convinced i got it from my ex which is why prom sucked so bad cuz i decided to give it a go the day before and it came back:-( horrid) either way i did the whole canesten cream for 2 weeks and its come back on and off since.
Recently ive seen a doctor who prescribed me this pill for vaginal yeast. It cost me 20 bucks but she said it would solve the yeasst problem permanently. Now i have the cracked skin and not touching it is working rather well for me. Rukovodstvo po remontu renault premium skachatj besplatno pc. It healed a few days ago but i used some new soap and now its back. Its almost gone now but im positive it was the soap thats causing it.
Its itcy like mad sometimes but you'll pull through it guys. Its only a few days. Just dont force the skin to crack more in those days and youll be fine. Canesten cream works great to moisturize it cuz its antibacterial (its also athletes foot cream). Good luck guys and i hope it this helps. OH, and for the guys who's isnt going away.
You may want to go see your doctor and ask about Lichen Sclerosus. Its extremely rare but could lead to cancer and/or circumcision. Guys the simple answer to this is that you are experiencing thrush. I went to the quacks and they gave me some cream, apply it twice daily for a week and bobs your teapot its gone. On the other hand though you might wanna make sure your misses aint screwin the milkman because at the end of the day this can be clap ( chalymidia) and if youve got this and you havent been shaggin the barmaid from your local.good chance your misses has the disease so even if you do get rid your almost certain to get a repeat good luck much luv x. It is a yeast infection.
Yeast is a type of fungus. Creams and the like won't work. I bet the doctor also recommend a circumcision. I had a yeast infection that i was fighting for 8 months. My foreskin was very tight, cracked and bled when i pulled it back. On the head of my penis the skin was also peeling. Again, all three doctors i visited said the same thing, circumcision.
I thought about why the snipping would work. Air and yeast don't mix. The exposed infected skin needs air to destroy the yeast. As painful as it was, i pulled the foreskin back and kept it that way as much as i could. After four days it completely cleared up. No creams, lotions, potions or surgery.
It has been 6 months now, no problems any more. Gentlemen, another thing to consider is that you may be Diabetic.
Diabetes can lead to a number of other issues, this one included. I had this issue with a tightening and cracking foreskin repeatedly about 2 years ago. The doc said it was thrush, but that the thrush had been brought on by very high sugar levels in my urine. I was soon after diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and put on metformine medication. The problem went away as my sugar levels were under control, however I have not been looking after myself recently and have been eating too much sugary c**p and you guessed it, it's back again. I know for a fact if I get my sugar levels in check and treat the infection with standard canesten cream I will be back to normal in 5-10 days. Hope this helps, and keep yer pecker up!
Excuse the pun!! Guys, ive had the same problem for a while now and finally found the cause to be candida (thrush, fungus) especially internally and hidden in many places. I discovered this via something called 'hair analysis' that my natural medicine practitioner recommended. It picks up a lot of other hidden symptoms too. To cut the story short what's working for me is: - No soap as it upsets the pH balance. Use something called Sorbelene as it retains moisture and can be used during and after shower. - Internal course of antibiotics that targeted the candida from within (red spots on penis after sex have reduced drastically) - don't use hydrocortisone as it will thin you skin out and you will have recurring infections - diabetic or not, reduce sugar directly or via complex carbs in your diet - I got something called Luigol solution from my natural practitioner which kills the infection from within.