Inmarsat C Decoding Software Program
Decoder GUI application is now available for FREE to current and all new customers! This application greatly simplifies decoder configuration and tuning: • FFT display for signal tuning • All decoder settings can be easily configured • Configuration can be saved to file and loaded later • Application also includes decoder ouput display with message level highlighting and filtering • No installation needed - just copy to same directory as decoder and run • There is no limit on how many GUI applications you can run on single PC Current version: v0.4 Released: 2016-09-21 Note that this application doesn't work with DEMO version! Feature table.
A subreddit for the low-cost, DIY software defined radio (SDR) community. While originally dedicated just to the project, relevant legal content related to general SDR, RF and similar projects is also welcomed. Feel free to ask questions but please. Rtl-sdr 'rtl-sdr' is a generic term for cheap USB digital TV (DVB-T) receivers that use the Realtek RTL2832U chipset, which can function as general purpose software defined radios (receive only).
All rtl-sdr compatible devices employ the RTL2832U as an ADC and USB controller, but different RF tuners may be used. Note that rtl-sdrs do not transmit! Typical specs (some depend on specific tuner): • Cost: ~$5-45 USD • Frequency range: 24 - >1760 MHz (100 KHz - 24 MHz in direct sampling mode) • Max sample rate: 3.2 MS/s (2.6 MS/s in practice) • Resolution: 8 bits/sample • Noise figure. Hi all, Last couple of days I have been playing with Inmarsat L-band stuff. I can now confirm that I was receiving signal from satellite at 64 East (I thought it was sat at 24 E). This was result of very scientific 'antenna in a steel bucket' -procedure.
Sep 3, 2018 - Microp11, the programmer of Scytale-C a standalone Inmarsat decoder has just released a new Inmarsat decoder SDR# plugin. The plugin is. Font adidas 2006 font free.
I put the antenna into bottom of a bucket and by panning left and right certain signals were fading away when others came in stronger. The gain of bucket feed horn is same as cooking tin, but it's now more directional. And as result I can see, that there's only three Classic AERO channels on 23 East (nine at 64E) and pretty much none STD-C (marine info channel). But this is a good start.
Next step would be helix antenna and LNA4ALL amplifier.