How To Get Computer Serial Number In Vbnet

I tried getting Hard disk and Motherboard Serial Number from my PC. It works good in Windows 7 and Above But same code in CMD does not working for Windows XP. It Shows O.E.M to be filled or Returns Nothing wmic diskdrive get name,serialnumber,model // This is cmd to get serial num In Windows XP It Returns Error for serialnumber wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber // This is cmd to get MotherBoard serialnumber In Windows XP and Win 8 it returns in serialnumber Error like ' To be filled by O.E.M' Am looking for Best Pc Unique Id, which can return id or serialnumber for any OS and should be unique. Please help me Thank You.

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How to get mother board serial number from code. I use the following codes to get the mother board serial number. Computer SID + CPUID. Jul 21, 2005  home > topics >.net framework > questions > computer information in + Ask a Question. Post your question and get tips & solutions from a community of 424,342 IT Pros & Developers. How would I go about getting computer information on my local computer, i.e. Serial number, hard drive size, memory installed, etc.

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