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SKRIPSI INGGRIS 001 – 050 Ig 001. The Influence The Of Main Characters’ Conflicts Toward Plot In Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance Of Being Earnest” Ig 002. An Analysis Of The Main Character’s Hatred Depicted In Sandra Brown’s Novel Where There’s Smoke Ig 003.

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Effects Of Pre-Questioning On The Reading Comprehension Achievement Of The Second Grade Students At SMAN-2 Jekan Raya In Academic Year 2006/2007 Ig 004. Student’s Learning Achievement With Traditional Asseement And Portofolio Assessment Ig 005. An Analysis Of Personel Pronoun From The Novel Entitled “An Ovedose Of Death” By Aghata Christie Ig 006. The Influence The Of Main Characters’ Conflicts Toward Plot In Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance Of Being Earnest” I g 007. An Analysis Of The Main Character’s Hatred Depicted in Sandra Brown’s Novel Where There’s Smoke Ig 008. A Study On Connotative Meaning Of Language Used In Scorpion’s Song Ig 009. An Analysis Of The English Texbook For The First Year Students Of Junior High School Based On The 2004 Curriculum In Pondok Pesantren Al-Mukmin Ngruki Ig 010.

An Analysis Of Compound Words In Children Storybooks Ig 011. Teaching Vocabulary Using Games At Aisyiah Kindergarten Margosari Karangmalang Sragen Ig 012. Teaching Reading By Using WFR (Warming-Up For Reading) To Increase Reading Skill To The Second Year Student Of SLTPN 2 Nogosari Boyolali Ig 013. Translation Analysis Of English Figurative In J.K.

Rowling’s Novel Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secret And Its Translation By Listiana Srisanti Ig 014. An Error Analysis On The English Composition By The Second Years Students Of Islamic High School Purbalingga In The Academic Year Of 2001/2002 Ig 015. A Rebel Against The Social Discrimination In Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin: A genetic Structurallism Approach Ig 016. A Study On The Teaching And Learning Process Of english In The Sixth Of SD Negeri Pacitan I Ig 017.

The Indonesian Translation Of Positive Declarative Simple Sentences In Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell To Arms By Toto Sudarto Bactiar Ig 018. A Descriptive Study On Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Years Student At SDN 1 Purworejo Wonogiri Ig 019. Anti-Slavery Spirits In William Shakespeare’s The Tempest: A Sociological Approach Ig 020. Error Analysis On Composition Of The Fourth Semester Students Of English Departement At Muhammadiyah University Of Surakarta Ig 021. Study On The Application Of Grammar Translation Method In Teaching Reading To The First Year students Of SLTP PGRI 7 Jatiroto In 2002 Ig 022. The Destructive Instinct In Shakerspeare’s Macbeth: A Psycoanalytic Analysis Ig 023. The Impact Of Narcotics Upon The Development Of Adolescents In The Era Of Globalization In Kartasura Ig 024.