Basic Cash Code Pos Register Software Visual Foxpro Support

I'm looking at upgrading a POS (Point Of Sale) project which is currently built in FoxPro The planned architecture is quite complex and there is plenty of rationale behind the new technologies chosen. Some of the requirements include the ability to have both desktop and web front end (where web front end has limited functionality), syncing data with an external website and the ability for multiple clients to run off of 1 server. My current model of choice is an MVP pattern with Sql Server (probably Express) as the DB, and a WCF service layer between the presentation and services in order to allow for remote UIs. My concern is that during my research I have noticed that there seems to be a common theme amongst touch screen POS systems to build them in FoxPro. Apologies for the slightly subjective question however I am keen to find out if there is any particular reason for this?

Crack Im a biginner of visual foxpro.i don't know this much of presentation may given through visual foxpro.(i completely study your project) and all the moduls u created is so i had 2years exp in visual i love this domain, because of u.thank u sir.

Does FoxPro have any particular out of the box functionality that lends itself to this type of system? I have not used FoxPro and so before finalising my choice of technologies for this project would like to make sure I am not missing a trick by ruling it out completely. FoxPro had a few advantages at that time. I can remember that for many many years all the new concurrent DBs laked at least in on place, so we choose FoxPro over and over again for now POS solutions: • it was fully integrated database - so an out-of-the box solution • it was really cheap compared to the alternatives (as other users have pointed out too) • it ran on cheap hardware - for moderate sizes (like most customers required). • it had a simple to learn and intuitive integrated environment, so no extra tools were required. • it was very very easy to create very nice reports at that time (managers liked it allot, and since they made the decisions mostly.:) ). • FoxPro was a learning course in almost all IT schools, so it was very cheap and easy to find FoxPro specialists.

Especially in eastern European countries, their number is still huge (many POS software was outsourced there). There are still an incredible huge number of FoxPro legacy applications (especially in small and medium companies), so this is not just a POS issue.

I am using Epson Partial Cut receipt printer for our POS system. My problem is that the printer will eject or automatically cut the paper when the lenght of the paper riches 11 inch from the start of printing.

The result is ok if the customer will buy only a few items, but when the customer buy plenty of items the problem start on, the receipt is cut every 11 inch of lenght.i already select the paper for Receipt when i design the frx however the same problem arise. How to prevent the printer not to eject or cut the paper when it riches 11 inch size?

Or How to continue printing in receipt printer until the end of record? Thanks in advance.

The problem with using a VFP report is you have NO idea how long the receipt needs to be. I use the Epson OPOS ADK (App Dev Kit) OCX to control the printer. Then you do not need any Windows printer set up in the printers control panel, and you do not use a VFP report form. This ADK is free from Epson once you register at Another option is to create a generic text printer in the Windows Control Panel, use the SET PRINTER TO command to set the printer to that text printer, and use??? To output your lines to the receipt printer. You will need to know escape sequences for the printer for paper cutting, etc.

If you are interested in example VFP OPOS code that I use, click the FoxPro Tools link at. The problem with using a VFP report is you have NO idea how long the receipt needs to be. I use the Epson OPOS ADK (App Dev Kit) OCX to control the printer. Then you do not need any Windows printer set up in the printers control panel, and you do not use a VFP report form.