Artikel Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Di
Desa ditempatkan hanya sebagai obyek program. Penggunaan istilah pemberdayaan masyarakat desa dalam rumusan mandat UU Desa memiliki makna ganda. Di samping bermakna sebagai tindakan memulihkan kuasa, daya masyarakat desa, pemberdayaan dalam UU Desa juga bermakna pengakuan atas berlangsungnya proses pemiskinan dan kondisi kemiskinan di desa. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Pemanfaatan Alokasi Dana (ADD) (suatu Studi di Desa Bukumatiti Kecamatan Jailolo Kabuapten Halmahera Barat). Journal article Jurnal Administrasi Publik UNSRAT • 2015. To community empowerment; there is no accountability in each realization of the program on thecommunity;.
The development industry in Bendo, Daleman, Tulung, Klaten District is flour processing from Arenga pinnata trees. Da Ca A Pass Oh Meo 245 35. Beside produces flour, this industry also produces biomass waste in abundant quantity. This waste is not fully utilized, so that gives the negative impact to local air and water quality.
UGM students through Student Creativity Program took an initiative to utilize the biomass waste into briquettes together with the local community. The implementation of this activity conducted from February until July 2013. The activities including observation and identification of issues, public education, training briquettes production, society empowerment and the establishment of Small Medium Enterprises. The results show that the community supports the dissemination activities and ready to carry out the activities. The community has been able to make briquettes from beginning till end. However, the community has still not to make briquettes continuously and sustainability.
This condition cause the plan to establishment small medium enterprise is delayed. Besides that, this activity has publication by online news and newspaper about utilization of biomass waste into briquettes. Therefore, the community need to empowerment intensively to make briquettes, reparation the briquettes tools in order to effective and efficiently, and then actuating to establishment the Small Medium Enterprises of briquettes. In the future, if this activity is sustainability, it can reduce the amount of biomass wastes in case to improve the air and water quality. Abstrak The objectives of this research were to find out: 1) the roles of Village Community Empowerment Workers(KPMD) in National Program of Autonomous Village Community Empowerment (PNPM-MP);2) communityparticipation levels in National Program of Autonomous Village Community Empowerment; and 3)correlation between the roles of the KPMD in the PNPM-MP and their participation.
This research wasconducted from July to August 2012. Respondents were 12 Workers of Village Community Empowermentand 60 poor families taken by using disproportional stratified random sampling.
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This was a surveyresearch. The correlations between variables were tested by using Rank Spearman. Artikel Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa. Menteri PP PA: Kebangkitan Baru Kartini Indonesia; Targetkan Satu Juta Tenaga Kerja, Kemenperin Lanjutkan Link. Program Desa diawali dari musyawarah Dusun yang dilanjutkan ke musyawarah Desa yang dihadiri oleh tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, tokoh Agama, RT / RW, Pemerintah Desa.
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Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine pemeberdayaan Community In Utilization VillageAllocation Fund (ADD) in the village of Bukumatiti the District Jailolo West Halmahera as the Regulation ofthe Minister of Home Affairs Number 113 2014 About the Financial Management of the Village in Article 2Paragraph 1 states that the financial management of the village should be based the principles oftransparency, accountability and participatory. To determine the Community Empowerment in Rural FundAllocation Utilization (ADD), the research method used was a qualitative descriptive study consists of 6research informants.Empowering communities in the utilization of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in the village ofBukumatiti has not been run in accordance with the principles of financial penegelolaan villages of theprinciples of transparency, accountability and participatory.